Great post. In 2016, I visited the offshore wind farm off the Scottish coast that Trump sued over, and the Scots I spoke with were not at all happy with Trump. Every time Trump talks down wind energy, I know why.
You’re exactly right in describing today’s GOP as a “battered wife!” They are afraid to cut off their allegiance to him because of what they feel the repercussions would be!
Thank you for this very interesting and insightful post. It definitely resonates with my own impressions, reading, and life experience with people sharing many of Donald Trump's characteristics.
Very powerful reveal on motivations, method and procedures of the man. I read your Facebook post then saw you also posted here. Did you gain this insight from directly working with him in your financial career at Smith Barney? Thanks and best wishes.
Great post. In 2016, I visited the offshore wind farm off the Scottish coast that Trump sued over, and the Scots I spoke with were not at all happy with Trump. Every time Trump talks down wind energy, I know why.
You’re exactly right in describing today’s GOP as a “battered wife!” They are afraid to cut off their allegiance to him because of what they feel the repercussions would be!
May I share this on Facebook?
Thanks! Brilliant take on 45!
Boy does this ring true! Thank you!
Eileen, did you work in Financial Services at one time?
Yes, I spent 16 years with Smith Barney as a financial adviser.
Very well stated
Your description of the repeat criminal is accurate. Somehow, he is able to twist our mighty nation to the mat and pin us there. It is an outrage.
Thank you for this very interesting and insightful post. It definitely resonates with my own impressions, reading, and life experience with people sharing many of Donald Trump's characteristics.
Now, he is being used by even greedier people who want complete power to destroy our democracy. Imperfect as it is, we must fight for it.
Thank you! We need to understand him as best we can to stand up to Trumpism.🙏🏻
Very powerful reveal on motivations, method and procedures of the man. I read your Facebook post then saw you also posted here. Did you gain this insight from directly working with him in your financial career at Smith Barney? Thanks and best wishes.
No direct contact, no. Dealing directly with the fallout from his failed corporate offerings, bankruptcies and bond defaults, yes.
How much did you make on your book of biased lies and even thinking of spouting them have you broken any ethics laws? I think it is all BS .
How much did you make on your book of biased lies and even thinking of spouting them have you broken any ethics laws? I think it is all BS .
I translated in French and shared on LinkedIn, Eileen :
Thank you!
Ms Workman has written a brilliant expose of the Trumpster fire. I believe everything she says. Share this widely. Forewarned is forearmed.